Thursday, October 3, 2013

Todays tarot reading

The blogger app for android doesn't let me change the image size, so I'm adding the photos in the am when I draw the cards, then going back to edit the photo size and add meanings. I think this will work :) Now onto the meaning of the cards:

The 8 of Pentacles is a card of financial growth. As you can see, the papyrus staff in the center has buds at the top of it, flowers that have not yet fully bloomed just as the financial abundance this card indicates (via pentacles) has not yet fully grown. 

The 4 of Wands indicates intellectual ideas being blocked, either by myself or by others. It's the nay-sayers or that nagging voice in your head that says you cannot and literally bars your way or holds you back. 

The Lovers indicates a choice that is mine to make. You (as the man in the image) is standing at a bend in the road and can either turn left or right - choose the sun (the scarab) or the moon - dark or light. Together with my other cards, I think it is indicating I can choose to keep holding myself back financially or go break thru the blocks and push forward to success and financial growth.

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