Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Todays Tarot cards

I tend not to draw swords very often - not sure why though perhaps its due to their dealing with intellectual matters and (I think) I have that area fairly well balanced.

The 3 of Swords shows 1 item standing out above the others - an issue that perhaps is annoying or upsetting me that intellectually I know I need to deal with, but perhaps haven't fully yet. It often indicates a sorrow or loss too.

The 2 of Swords is an indicator of balance needed in the situation - to try to see things from both sides and not be judgmental. It might also indicate a partnership.

The 4 of cups is a card of emotion with Nehkbet the Vulture Goddess. It is a reminder to not get too carried away by wishful thinking and to stay focused on the now. To focus on my strengths and not get too carried away by what might have been or what might be.

It seems the cards are telling me to stay focused on the now and keep careful track of things so they don't get ahead of me.  As Halloween is my busy season, this is very good advice to remember! I'm often completely frazzled by the time Halloween is over.

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