Card Meanings

This page is general notes on each card as I try to learn more about my deck and improve interpreting them. Every so often I will pull a card at random and review it. As I use the Egyptian Tarot deck, interpretations may vary slightly from traditional Rider-Waite decks. I do not currently use reversals so will not put include them. I always true to let the symbolism of the cards speak to me more than going by book meanings, but do reference them occasionally.

Chalices/Cups: Emotions, Water

2 of Chalices

Book Meaning: The Staircase of Seth. Desire, artistic affinity, disagreements to be smoothed out.

Traditional Meaning: In general this is a card that says that things are likely to be going well. You should be feeling more than usually loved, cared for, and content.

What I see in this card: The cobras of Upper and Lower Egypt are between the cups that traditionally represent emotions demonstrating the disagreement aspect the book meaning indicates. I can also see it as conflicting emotions and indecision. The ladder behind them connects both chalices which can indicate emotional connection to either the Gods or another being. The Ankh of Life and the Feather of Truth between the chalices reminds me to consider all sides of the issue and look for common ground in any disagreements or emotional conflict. 

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