Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today's Card: Ten of Pentacles Reversed

Today I drew the 10 of Pentacles which normally means Ease, Home, Family Income & Inheritance. Reversed it means a lack or problem of these things.

Not a card I really wanted to see today :P

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Daily drawing for June 26, 2012

As I just wrote Getting back to basics on Mystical Musings, connecting to Spirit is on my mind as I pull a card.

The card I pulled was the 7 of Wands, reversed. This card usually indicates a challenge and that you will have to stay strong to surpass it. Reversed, it indicates a victory over a challenge. Perhaps the challenges I've been having the past few months passing as I start to reconnect to my Spirit and myself.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today's Reading: What should I be grateful for today?

I started reading "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne which is all about gratitude, so before I drew today's card, I thanked the Goddess and asked "What should I be most grateful for today?"

The card I drew is The Hierophant which is a card of wisdom, especially Divine Wisdom as it is one of the Major Arcana which often indicates spiritual and divine guidance working in your life. So I will be grateful today for all advice and insights I get from any source.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Single card reading for May 15, 2012

Seven of Swords. Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, stealth

The Seven of Swords is a card of deception and betrayal. It indicates the difficulty of trying to ‘get away with something’ undetected and unnoticed. Often when you do something in secret, hoping that you are safe and undiscovered, something goes awry and your secret is revealed to your embarrassment. This card therefore urges caution when attempting to use cunning or deception to gain an advantage over someone or something else. There is no question that there are times in life when it is necessary to act shrewdly or do something in secret. Perhaps you had to think on your feet and act in a way that was not exactly all ‘above board’. Perhaps you had to go behind other people’s backs in order to manifest your desires. Perhaps you felt like you needed to cheat or take the easy way out. If acting shrewdly is something you must do, it is essential that you do this with a clear conscience and you are fully aware of the potential consequences of your actions. Taking the easy path is not always the best path, and sometimes you just have to exert a decent amount of effort to achieve what you want.

I wonder if the fact I just replied to a chargeback from a customer that received their order then filed an "unauthorized" chargeback with their credit card company influenced today's reading? :P

Friday, May 11, 2012

Daily Tarot Reading for May 11, 2012

Pulled the 2 of Chalices.

Chalices relate to water and emotion. The 2 relates to balancing emotions or finding an agreement in a partnership.

Not sure where that fits into my day yet..perhaps it will become clearer later.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Single Card Reading for May 10, 2012

The Hieorophant. It is a card of guidance, of divine wisdom. It usually indicates someone is trying to tell you something, or that you need to seek guidance for a current issue.   It can also indicate help is all around you - you just need to take it and not ignore the signs you have previously seen or ignored.

I decided to draw another card to clarify....

The Fool. A neophant stumbles along life's path without a course or plan. Not paying attention, he nearly walks right into the mouth of a crocodile (in my Egyptian Tarot deck. Other decks show him blindly heading off a cliff). Again, this could relate back to ignoring wisdom or advice.

I decided to draw another card to clarify...

The 10 of Pentacles. Pentacles nearly always relate to money or prosperity. The 10 usually relates to an inheritance or family income.

I haven't been paying close attention to financial matters lately, blindly stumbling along trying to find the wisdom to get back to my more normal situation. The cards seem to be advising me to seek wisdom, and plan instead.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

3 Card Reading for May 8, 2012

Decided to do a 3 card spread today - all came out reversed. Many think reversed cards are automatically bad, but that's not necessarily true. They are literally the flip side of the upright meaning of the cards and like all readings, can be good or bad.

So, I drew from left to right: The Lovers (reversed), Knave of Pentacles (reversed) and Death (reversed).

The Lovers usually indicate a relationship, partnership, a test or decision. Revered it could mean a break up, procrastinating a decision, or a partnership that should be ended.

Knave of Pentacles usually indicates a student or study. Being pentacles, it often relates to financial matters. Reversed it could mean you haven't been paying attention to financial matters or haven't learned whatever lesson current situations should teach you.

Death usually means the end of something (not usually physical death), Transformation and Change. Reversed it could be a warning to pay attention to avoid a death or indicate a change or new beginning to something.

As I've been going thru a lot of financial and business challenges the last few months, this all could relate to these issues.

I felt the need to pull one more card to see what the outcome of my following this advice would be. I drew the King of Pentacles who literally bathes in the light of the Sun and money! Fortunately, he was upright indicating to me there might just be an end to all the issues soon that will leave me bathing in money! :-)