Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Death - Today's Tarot Card

Death is probably the tarot card that scares people the most. But death is rarely a physical death. It usually indicates the death of something that needs to die - a false idea, a bad relationship, something along those lines.

In my Egyptian Tarot deck, the Death card depicts Anubis during the Weighing of the Heart ceremony. The heart of the deceased would be weighed against the Feather of Truth or Ma'at to see if they were eligible to pass into the Duat, or Egyptian afterlife. Anubis would lead the deceased's Ka or Soul into the ceremony which was presided over by Osiris. 

This card is a reminder to examine your life or current situation to see if you are perhaps holding on to something that you shouldn't be. Often it is better to let things or people go from your life instead of hanging onto what no longer serves you.
My regular deck is the Egyptian Tarot Deck and all imagery described uses this deck.

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