Sunday, March 3, 2013

5 Card Daily Reading

Home: The Emperor. Financial stability. A reminder to make decisions based on facts, not emotions.
Work: Two of Swords. A stalemate situation. One where I'm afraid to move or decide.
Unexpected: Queen of Wands. Always busy with lots of projects in progress.
My Role: Seven of Wands. I can win thru any situation by staying calm & basing decisions on facts.
Outcome: Ace of Swords. A powerful card of victory & triumph over difficulties. I have the ability to overcome any setbacks and adversity.

I've seen similar themes lately in my readings of triumph over adversity, making decisions based on facts. As I am facing a few very crucial issues at the moment, this seems like a very good omen and that I need to move forward instead of hiding or trying to avoid the situation (which I admit I have been doing for the most part).

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