Thursday, January 2, 2014

Todays tarot cards

Seems like lots of change happening today!

The Devil: This is one of those cards I have problems interpreting. By the book, it means sexual attraction, enchantment, fascination, suggestion, originality, diversity. Person endowed with strong magnetism. It can also mean nastiness, violence, hate, perversion, obstacles of all types due to the interference by others or one's own mistakes.

The Tower:  This one usually signals a catastrophe - a huge event that impacts everything and requires change or decisiveness to overcome.

8 of Swords: Sobek's teeth. Bad news, inner crisis, censure, impediments, inconvenience. 

Okay, so not a good day - or a warning to not let it be a bad day. It is in line with the Celtic Cross spread I did yesterday that spoke of a lot of obstacles in present and immediate future. Trying to think if there is something critical I need to take care of today to avoid the catastrophe the tower warns about. Time to check my email!

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