Saturday, October 5, 2013

Todays cards

The Hanged Man indicates a sacrifice - something you have to give up in order to move forward. Not usually a physical sacrifice (though it can indicate letting go of physical property), but letting go of the past, old ideas, or something you think you really, really need but probably really, really don't.

The Knight of Wands is a clever man, usually a contemporary to you, that is literally a rescuer. For women, this might literally be her Prince Charming riding in to take her away. Along with the Hanged Man, I think it is an indication to sacrifice the idea of a man to come to my aid or the idea of a traditional relationship - my sacrifice for being single and building my business instead of a social life.

The 6 of Cups is a card of nostalgia. Of looking back on what was, sometimes to the detriment of the future. Combined with the other cards, it is an indication to let go of an old relationship or love and move forward. I do find myself thinking often of an ex - not that I would want that relationship back, but just in terms of nostalgia. Of wondering how he is, what is he doing, is he okay. The cards seem to be telling me to let it go and move on.

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