Saturday, March 2, 2013

5 Card Reading

Trying out the Gilded Tarot deck for a change and doing it's 5 card daily reading.

1. Work: Three of Wands. Moving forward & making progress on my plans.
2. Home: Five of Wands. Arguments, disagreements, battles.
3. Unexpected: Seven of Cups. Lots of choices that can be distracting, but easily chosen if I focus.
4. My Role: Ten of Swords. The end of a difficult situation, but one that will move me forward.
5. Outcome: Seven of Wands. Battles, but ones I can win.

I've been playing with this deck for a few days now and the 3, 5 and 7 of wands keep coming up. I believe they indicate my current pattern - fighting to move forward but battles I can win.

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