When I went to shuffle this am, these 2 cards literally leaped out at me wanting me to use them. So I did, of course!
Knave or page of pentacles...the record keeper, especially of financial matters.
Ace of cups...The best of news, especially dealing with emotional matters, but coupled with the pentacles, could indicate money.
The Knave of Pentacles has been showing up a lot for me lately - probably an indicator my taxes are due soon! Hoping the appearance of the Ace today means it will go smoothly and in my favor as I finish them up.
I've started using the Blogger application on my tablet which I also use for meditation in the mornings so is always in my temple with me. This will allow me to include photos of the cards chosen for that day too (though if I can figure out how to change the size of them in the app, it will be easier!). So even if I don't have a chance to write the meanings until later, at least the cards and the record of what I drew will be there! The very wrinkled cloth you see under them is a natural linen napkin that I wrap my deck in when not in use.