Friday, October 18, 2013

Todays cards

Finally got the image settings right... I think lol

This is my busiest business season, but at least the cards will be here for me to interpret at another time.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Todays cards

Finally figured out how to adjust the image size when I post from my tablet! 

This is my busiest time of year for my online stores, so I may not always have the time to write the full reading here - at least I'm keeping up with daily pulling cards and posting them! Small victories :) 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Todays tarot cards

The 2 of Wands. Twos of any suit mean balance or partnership. The 2 of wands usually indicates intellectual matters - keeping a level head.

Queen of Pentacles - I often see this card as me and it or the High Priestess usually comes up in readings representing me. Generally though, The Queen of Pentacles, like all the court cards, often stands for an actual person in life representing a woman, likely with dark hair and dark eyes. It can also represent energetic influences in our lives. The energy of the Queen of Pentacles is very feminine; hearth, home, motherhood.  This card can indicate that you will be spending time, money, and energy on your home - which I have been working on home improvements.

King of Swords - Very, very masculine energy or force in my life. Often represents a man with strong opinions in my life. 

Not actually sure how this reading relates to me, though interesting that extreme masculine and extreme feminine cards came up with a card of balance - perhaps it's trying to tell me to find a balance between both energies that are within me.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Todays Tarot cards

Queen of Swords - She holds the sword defensively in front of her which always speaks to me of defending your actions or trying to make your case in an argument.

Knight of Chalices - The Knight is also a fighter and the chalices represents emotions. Combined with the Queen, my argument might be an emotionally charged one and the cards seem to be warning me to be on guard.

The 8 of Pentacles again - this one has been coming up for me a lot lately (and I randomly insert cards drawn into separate places in the deck and shuffle well). As previously stated, to me this one means financial ventures just starting to grow and not fully realized. 

I am not certain how this relates tot he first 2 cards, though I have had a few negative comments about my business lately that are bothering me, though I know I cannot do anything to sway anyone's opinions and have done the best I am able to in all situations. Perhaps these cards are telling me to stay guarded but not to let them get me too emotionally charged and to allow my growth to continue.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Todays Tarot cards

I tend not to draw swords very often - not sure why though perhaps its due to their dealing with intellectual matters and (I think) I have that area fairly well balanced.

The 3 of Swords shows 1 item standing out above the others - an issue that perhaps is annoying or upsetting me that intellectually I know I need to deal with, but perhaps haven't fully yet. It often indicates a sorrow or loss too.

The 2 of Swords is an indicator of balance needed in the situation - to try to see things from both sides and not be judgmental. It might also indicate a partnership.

The 4 of cups is a card of emotion with Nehkbet the Vulture Goddess. It is a reminder to not get too carried away by wishful thinking and to stay focused on the now. To focus on my strengths and not get too carried away by what might have been or what might be.

It seems the cards are telling me to stay focused on the now and keep careful track of things so they don't get ahead of me.  As Halloween is my busy season, this is very good advice to remember! I'm often completely frazzled by the time Halloween is over.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Todays cards

1 of Cups. Cups deal with emotions and the ace of cups is a powerful positive omen for items relating to love, happiness, affection and new beginnings.

8 of Pentacles - Financial growth still to be developed. Haven't come to fruition yet as the lotus flowers are still buds at the end of the staff.

Page of Pentacles - Need to attend to financial records (my taxes are coming due) in order for the growth to continue.  

I seem to be getting a theme with several of the same cards coming up all week. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Todays tarot cards

The Knight of Wands makes another appearance today. Beyond its other meaning, it is a traveler, an adventurer. An indication of moving forward with confidence that will help me on my goals.

The Devil isn't a bad card as most fear. It is a symbol of bondage but often this bondage is metaphoric and internal. This card reminds you to look beyond superficial appearances and to go deeper into the truth and meaning of a situation. You hold the keys to your own freedom - you just have to choose.

Temperance is a symbol of balance - literally balancing your life and an indicator you may be neglecting some area of it such as friends, family or play time, often in favor of career or too many irons in the fire keeping you away from things that are really important in life. Combined with the Knight and Devil, perhaps it's telling me to take more time for adventure, fun and family.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Todays cards

The Hanged Man indicates a sacrifice - something you have to give up in order to move forward. Not usually a physical sacrifice (though it can indicate letting go of physical property), but letting go of the past, old ideas, or something you think you really, really need but probably really, really don't.

The Knight of Wands is a clever man, usually a contemporary to you, that is literally a rescuer. For women, this might literally be her Prince Charming riding in to take her away. Along with the Hanged Man, I think it is an indication to sacrifice the idea of a man to come to my aid or the idea of a traditional relationship - my sacrifice for being single and building my business instead of a social life.

The 6 of Cups is a card of nostalgia. Of looking back on what was, sometimes to the detriment of the future. Combined with the other cards, it is an indication to let go of an old relationship or love and move forward. I do find myself thinking often of an ex - not that I would want that relationship back, but just in terms of nostalgia. Of wondering how he is, what is he doing, is he okay. The cards seem to be telling me to let it go and move on.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Todays tarot reading

The blogger app for android doesn't let me change the image size, so I'm adding the photos in the am when I draw the cards, then going back to edit the photo size and add meanings. I think this will work :) Now onto the meaning of the cards:

The 8 of Pentacles is a card of financial growth. As you can see, the papyrus staff in the center has buds at the top of it, flowers that have not yet fully bloomed just as the financial abundance this card indicates (via pentacles) has not yet fully grown. 

The 4 of Wands indicates intellectual ideas being blocked, either by myself or by others. It's the nay-sayers or that nagging voice in your head that says you cannot and literally bars your way or holds you back. 

The Lovers indicates a choice that is mine to make. You (as the man in the image) is standing at a bend in the road and can either turn left or right - choose the sun (the scarab) or the moon - dark or light. Together with my other cards, I think it is indicating I can choose to keep holding myself back financially or go break thru the blocks and push forward to success and financial growth.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Todays tarot reading

The King of Wands usually indicates an older, wiser man. An adviser. It can also indicate a surge of energy that is propelling you forward.

Strength can be physical strength, but more often it indicates strength of will or character.  Strength indicates the importance of mind over matter, and reminds you to focus on what you do want rather than what you don't want in your life. You have the ability to harness your thoughts and to use them for your highest good. Not only do you have the ability; you have the responsibility. So conquer your fears, control your impulses, and never lose patience with yourself or what you are doing.

The 4 of Swords indicates a break from yourself as shown by the swords separating the body at the bottom to the mind represented by the Eye of Horus. It can be a forced break such as an illness, mental or physical, or that you just need to remember to take time for yourself, a break, or vacation.